

Vestibular Rehabilitation for Dizziness & Vertigo

Download the FREE Vertigo Chart & Schedule your 60-Minute Virtual Appointment

Our comprehensive 60-minute

virtual exam includes:

  • Vertigo Chart Discussion

  • Detailed History

  • Current symptoms

  • Previous Symptoms

  • Goals

  • Vestibular function

  • Customized Treatment

Vertigo is not a diagnosis, it's a symptom.

Knowing the true cause of your vertigo is KEY to properly treating it.
The Vertigo Comparison Chart will help you better understand your symptoms.


The Vertigo Therapist is licensed to work with Ontario Residents virtually.

Fees can be reimbursed under your physiotherapy extended benefits plan.

About Our Practice

Helping you find steady ground through online sessions with certified vestibular physiotherapists

Our focus is exclusively VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION.
Our goal is increasing awareness and access to vestibular treatment pathways in Ontario and Canada.

Lauren Wootton,


Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation, 2022

Lauren Wootton is the founder of The Vertigo Therapist. She obtained her Masters in Physical Therapy from McMaster University in 2012, and holds vestibular rehabilitation certificates including 'Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation' and a Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation through Texas State University.

Lauren opened virtual clinic doors during the Covid pandemic to ensure people across Ontario were able to access treatment pathways for vestibular physiotherapy and rehabilitation. She now focuses her practice solely on vestibular conditions.

Claim your FREE vertigo comparison chart below

Vertigo is a symptom not a diagnosis.

Being able to accurately describe your symptoms is the first step

to your tailored treatment pathway.

